Our Prayer Life

Our spiritual life is rooted in the gospel mystery of the Visitation. We contemplate, as Mary did, the infinite love of God for his people. Like Mary, we joyfully proclaim God’s goodness to us.
Our prayer life is centered in the daily celebration of the Eucharist and in the prayerful recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the day.
7:30 AM Celebration of the Eucharist
8:10 AM Morning Prayer
11:40 AM Office of Readings
1:00 PM Day Time Prayer
5:10 PM Evening Prayer
7:50 PM Night Prayer
In these peaceful prayers of the Church we are mindful of the needs of our troubled world, and constantly lift them in prayer.
Our time of contemplative prayer helps us to center our lives as we rest quietly in the presence of the Lord.
Our prayer-centered community extends its contemplative presence in accord with its gifts through an apostolic ministry.

Ministry of presence characterizes our apostolic outreach. This dimension of our lives seeks to continue the mission of Christ in our time. We undertake our ministry to colleagues and students in a sense of mission to the church.
The spirit we seek in our ministry reflects the gentleness and humility of Jesus, the gracious charity of Mary, and the simplicity, moderation and joyful optimism of St. Francis de Sales.