Our Vowed Life

Our life in Jesus through baptism is more deeply consecrated by our profession of the evangelical vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.
Through the profession of vows, our life becomes a way of love, union, and wholehearted surrender.
Our charism enriches our way of living our vows by giving us love as our only bond. In this gospel-inspiring life we allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit as we pursue charity, relying always on God’s goodness rather than our own efforts.
Every day, regular periods of private prayer and spiritual reading deepen our commitment to pray daily for the needs of the world. All are welcome to join us for Mass or for the Liturgy of the Hours.

Our vow of obedience calls us to a loving imitation of Jesus in his conscious surrender to his Father’s will as it is manifested through the realities of life.
Our vow of poverty calls us to live the poverty of Jesus in complete dependence on the Father. Free from possessions, we strive to attain poverty of heart, a total gift of free will into the Lord’s hands.
Our vow of chastity calls us to dedicate ourselves to God with undivided hearts. We then become gracious instruments in the Lord’s love as we fulfill our mission in the church.